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Showing posts with label Spain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spain. Show all posts

Monday, July 21, 2014

Errors when selling a home for the first time

12 errors 'beginner' you usually make when selling a home for the first time

passing-keysTo avoid this already complex process, we have compiled the 12 errors 'beginner' you usually make when you sell a home for the first time:

. 1 - overvaluing your home: basics. not be put off by greed or sentimentality toward the house. must be objective. in a market with so much supply, put too high a price is such a mistake. study what the competition is doing and if you can, stand in the low band

. 2 - Not wanting to negotiate: the lack of flexibility can lead to disaster. the current situation makes it almost essential trading ponders offers. if they are too low, you make a counteroffer

. 3 - forget expenses of the sale of the house: although the majority of operating expenses are paid by the new owner, you have to pay capital gains, the cancellation of the mortgage (or cancellation charge if applicable) and any registration, tax liability, of community, of supplies ... you have until the date of sale

. 4 - make a weather forecast too optimistic: do not get your delusions, sell an apartment is a distance race. if at the time of the bubble houses lasted an average of 14 days on the market, today the average sale exceeds comfortably within the year

. 5 - choose the wrong time to market: the period of greatest interest in the sale of second-hand housing is its appearance on the market. avoid dates when people are absent or interested in other things, like Christmas, Easter ...

. 6 - lying in advertising: do you think someone will buy your house if you find you're dealing with a liar? if you say your house is 10 years old and 180 m2, and when they ask buyers find that scripture has bought 150 and 15 years ago, you can bet they will flee at full speed

. 7 - do not put the house for sale: save a few euros to avoid giving a coat of paint, mow the lawn or fix that leaky faucet could cause the prospective buyer see a lot of arrangements ahead and take back

8 - be confident. Tells you who the person asking you to visit your home and who you tell that Saturday is not possible because there will be, is not a friend of the alien that just wants to 'come' when you're not ? or as he samples the kitchen to the 'lady' does your companion do not desvalijará the office? use caution and control

9 - not to involve the whole family. Comes to visit and the kids have not only messy but the living are fighting and screaming while you try to explain the benefits of the heat pump. certain failure. should all collaborate

. 10 - be comfortable, if you have to delay or postpone your dinner an outlet for attending a visit, do it. every opportunity should be utilized to the maximum. take the time necessary to see how the deal evolves around you, and keeping track of your advertising: renew ads, respond to networks ...

. 11 - not taking into account the cost of an empty house: a study of insurance claims that the average rental price of having an empty house at 2,000 per year. therefore, it is best to terminate the basic supplies (electricity, water and gas) if you plan to stay more than a year without occupy the house. so, you'll save an average of 540 euros per year

. 12 - Operation Order someone Bad: if all this is too much for you or you do not live on the farm, do not let him into the wrong hands. one of the worst mistakes in selling an apartment is encargárselo to a friend, or some intermediary however unqualified. the best choice is a real estate agent: he knows the market, the procedures and the intricacies of this complex and important process

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What options are there for investing now in Spanish brick?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

¿qué opciones hay para invertir ahora en el sector inmobiliario español?

What options are there for investing now in the Spanish Real Estate?

The emergence of large funds in the real estate scene has generated some buzz about whether now is the turning point for the sector. while some investors grope, others are already taking positions. however, the range of possibilities that exist today to bet on the real estate business is quite small. direct purchase of properties, The REIT, real estate funds or shares in real estate in the bag are the only alternatives although not enjoy the pleasure of analysts

Being the black sheep to become a star market . international perception of the Spanish Brick has changed dramatically in a few months. this has allowed to see a trickle of transactions within the sector since last summer. a trend that, according to experts, is expected to continue through this year

But one thing is going into brick and other find the right way to do it. President bnp paribas real estate Spain, luis martin guirado indicates that is not the same login as an individual, as a family office, as an institutional fund or a small corporate. at the same time, remember that there are multiple ways to land in the real estate business with direct investment, through a partnership, of a collective investment (REIT or fund) or an indirect investment

In other words, the combinations are varied. "An institutional investor can enter directly buying the asset or forming their own REIT or invest in any of them." "In the end, everything depends on the level of control you want to take over the property and the risk you're willing to take" sentence

In that sense, Martin guirado clarifies that if you buy a local unfunded "you are the lord and master" but run with a number of risks: if you manage to rent or not, if ignited, etc. however, if you choose to take an interest in an investment company, which has invested in 50 local, the control you have on the real estate asset "zero" but the risk is shared

But regardless of the investor profile (more or less risk averse, more or less available capital, etc.) and the "form" as the active controlled, the fact is that analysts believe that the general options are only four possibilities

Saturday, November 9, 2013

InmoLaSirena Online Real Estate marketing your home!

The Real Estate market is changing. Now we are looking foward a global market, and It must be commanded by a good use of  IT resources. So we did focused our services making us pioneers in the field.
We do not make easy advertising on  medias. Rather, we professionalize the resources offered by these IT services, so we are able toprovide:

Inside  site you can publish for free. From there, you can choose some EXTRA emarketing services (Plans) that gives an online platform feding some +20 websites inside InmoLaSirena Team and +80 around the world, more than 100 websites at all:

- Through processes multipublication one property is published in +100 platforms

- Create a personal website for each property, which subsequently it integrates and disseminates in social networks
- Video presentation of the property on our  Youtube channel , and later released over other streaming platforms 
We apply professional eMarketing & SEO techniques in order to multiply your results, geting this way more effective visits ..

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Living southern Spain

Sometimes I think why a lot of people come here to "La Costa del Sol" and living abroad: another country, life style, timetables, languague...

¡Uff, I want to believe that´s because Life is even better here!

Please, look at this picture: